Центр изучения экстремизма и радикализма

при Московском экономическом институте
Др. Даниэль Файерштейн
Др. Даниэль ФайерштейнДиректор Центра изучения геноцида при Университете Трес-де-Фебреро (Аргентина).

Daniel Feierstein holds a Phd on Social Sciences by the University of Buenos Aires, where he runs the Observatory of State Crimes. He also run the Center for Genocide Studies at the National University of Tres de Febrero, Argentina and is a Principal Researcher at CONICET (National Council of Research in Argentina). He was President of the International Association of Genocide Scholars (2013-2015) and has been Judge of the Permanent People´s Tribunal in several cases.

Feierstein published a dozen of books on genocide studies (the two first volumes of the trilogy “Sobre la elaboración del genocidio, FCE, 2012 & 2015, Introducción a los estudios sobre genocidio, FCE, 2016, Los dos demonios recargados, Marea, 2018 and La construccion del enano fascista, Capital Intelectual, 2019, among many others). Genocide as Social Practice. Reorganizing Society under the Nazis and Argentina´s Military Juntas was translated to English by Rutgers University Press in 2014.

His work has been used in dozens of case trials in Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Chile and Bangladesh.

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Feierstein participated in many Advisers Councils (National Minister of Health, Buenos Aires Province among them). In 2021, he published Pandemia. Un balance social y político de la crisis del COVID-19 by Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2021, actually in press in Routledge for an English edition.